What Are Two Tiered Affiliates?
2 Tiered Affiliate
Programs... what are they? Let's start with affiliate programs first.
Just in case you have never heard of them, affiliate programs are website
links that make can you money. Sounds like a winner huh?
Affiliate Programs?
Here is the bottom
line... online merchants need sales. In order to get those sales,
they need traffic. Your website has traffic. So they offer you
a "cut". All affiliate programs work a bit differently but all
of them track the traffic to merchant sites and pay you accordingly. Once there is a sale,
lead, or even just a visit,
then the referring site credits you for the referral. This cu t
can be a percentage of the sale, a flat fee, pay per click, pay per
lead, or simply a credit (or even a gift like a FREE lap top).
If a web surfer uses an affiliate link
on your site, then you make money. What is so good
about this is no customer service or risk is involved. You simply
send traffic over to the merchant's site. You can't get much easier
than that.
Do I Link?
Most affiliate programs
make it very easy to link to the merchant site by providing the banners,
html, information and other things to incorporate into your site.
All you have to do is get all this into your site ready to show your
viewers. As you may have guessed by now, you want to incorporate
affiliate links that are related to your website. If you have a site
about collectible cars, you would not want to add an affiliate link to a
lingerie store (...I don't know about that one.. You may do very well....
He-He! ;-) Generally speaking, you would want to add
affiliate links to your topic at hand. In this example, you would
link to car parts and tools, car auctions, or any other site
related to cars.
2 Tiered affiliates are affiliate programs on steroids. In other
words, you get a lot more out of each affiliate you link to. Instead
of getting a strait "cut", you are getting a "cut" PLUS the ability to
make money in recruiting others. A flat referral fee is good
but if the program offers a continuous commission on the sales of your
"sub-affiliates", then you have a gold mine.

The gold mine is the fact that you now have the ability to MULTIPLY your
efforts. Remember J. Paul Getty? He was, at one time, the richest
man in the world. He said...
"I’d rather have 100 people, each doing 1% of the work, than 1 person
doing 100% of the work."
Apply this principle to your affiliate advertising and you’ll
be amazed at the results.
What happens is this. As you refer new websites to become your
sub-affiliates then your income has the potential to multiply. For
Let say that you earn 10% on an affiliate program and the 2 tiered
subagents can earn you 5% per sale. In one month you send enough
customers for $500 in sales.
$500 x 0.10 =$50
That is a $50 monthly commission for you. But lets say that you
refer 3 sub-affiliates per month. In one year, that is 36
sub-affiliates. Let's also say that they are as successful as you
are. Then do the math...
$500 x 0.05 = $25 per sub-affiliate
$25 x 36 = $900/month
At years end, you would make $900/month on top of your
$50 commission. That equals $10,800
extra income in the next year!
The question boils down
to this...
Do you want to ADD or do you
want to MULTIPLY?
You can chose affiliate
programs that do not pay for you to recruit new affiliates, but why would
you want too? Instead of getting results from sales sent from your
site, why not spread it around? Multiply your efforts.
Make more money. It will begin to take on a life of its own!
Once you get the sub-affiliates selling then you are on your way.
There are a lot of 2 tiered affiliate programs on the market, and you can
view a lot of them at www.2tiered.com
Simply look through our directory and choose the program that suits you.
Hope you find lots of money making 2 tier affiliate programs and multiply
your marketing efforts on your website!

Chris Chandler, CEO
ADD affiliate revenue, when you can MULTIPLY it!
Visit the 2 Tiered Affiliate Directory